If there's one album I'd have to choose with the best story behind it, I'd have to choose Machine Head by Deep Purple. This album is best known for it's song "Smoke on the Water" which is actually a true story about how this album was made. The album was recorded in Montreux after the casino (the one they wrote the song about) was burned to the ground by an audience member who fired a flare during a Frank Zappa concert. Deep Purple had to relocate to a different place to record their album.
I think every band needs a guy with a mustache in it. Even if he doesn't play anything.
I'm probably going to write a blog post about that in the future. Take note.
Machine Head is an awesome album. It's also got a really neat background to it. (Look it up if you want to learn more about that.) Not only does the album look cool and have a cool back story, it also has a bunch of amazing songs on it.
Just saying, but the album has pictures of the burning casino on it. It's pretty cool.
For example, one really awesome song (which I'd have to say is my favorite) on the album would have to be "Space Truckin'". (Hence the title.)